I noticed a strange trend going through my archives...I have a tendency to use short titles whenever possible. And a LOT of the one-word titles started with C. Not sure what this means, but I don't see any reason to change them.
Anyway, getting back to X-Men fics, this is one of my personal favorites. I think Magneto is one of the most awesome characters ever to appear in any fictional medium. This fic was written mostly as a tribute to him, but then the difficulty came in choosing a partner. I knew I wanted to put him with an enemy, but I didn't want to use Charley, because even though he's awesome, I don't find him sexually attractive. So, taking Xavier out of the equation, the one person who's been fighting Erik the longest is the first X-Man: Cyclops. Once that revelation came to me (with the help of Kalvin, a wonderful y!Gallery artist who did an amazing Cyclops/Magneto pic), the story sort of wrote itself.
Cyclops woke up with a start, and realized two things. One: He was strapped to a cold metal table with colder metal restraints clamped around his wrists and ankles. Two: Except for the wraparound shades he usually wore when he slept, he was completely naked.
He let out a sigh of frustration as he lay his head back on the table. Well, this day's already shaping up to suck. Who could have grabbed me while I was sleeping?
He didn't have to wait long for the answer, as glaring flourescent lights flashed on overhead. Hovering in the air above him, resplendent as he always was in his red-and-violet regalia, was Magneto, eyes flashing as he glared down at his captive. "Honestly, Scott, I'm disappointed. I did expect you to put up something of a fight when I spirited you away, but you didn't even bat an eyelid."
Scott looked up with a defiant glare. "Unlock these restraints, Lehnsherr, and I'll show you how much of a fight I can put up."
Magneto's derisive bark of a laugh echoed against the metallic walls. "I'm afraid you missed your chance, dear boy. Not even the myriad of telepaths at your school detected my presence." He tapped his helmet suggestively. "No, by the time your fellow X-Men discover you're missing, I'll have achieved my goal and you'll already be on your way back home."
"Your...'goal?' " Scott tried to resist asking, but couldn't. He'd always been too damn curious for his own good. "What is your 'goal' this time? 'Cause if it's got anything to do with taking over the world, I'll tell you right now..."
A stray scrap of metal flew to his mouth, fastening itself securely to him as Magnus rubbed the bridge of his nose with a thumb and forefinger. "That's the problem with you X-Men. So busy decrying me as the devil incarnate you never take the time to listen to my side of the story. Something you get from Charles, no doubt."
Magnus was landing on the floor beside Scott's table as he spoke. The X-Men's leader could feel the air vibrating around him as Erik's power hummed. "Relax, Cyclops. I'm not trying to take anything over this time. In fact, if you cooperate, you might even enjoy this particular visit to my sanctum."
Was it Scott's imagination, or was the metal imprisoning him getting warmer? "You see, I've never been the kind of man to require much in the way of...pleasurable company. Ever since my wife ran away, I've simply never felt the need to be with people.
"But, every now and again, urges rise. The blood starts to burn...even mine...for a warm body beside me. Flesh not my own around me, giving me the physical pleasure every man needs and deserves. I've made use of members of my Brotherhood in the past when this has happened...Wyngarde's illusory powers have created some very memorable nocturnal companions, and Mystique's talents go without saying...but, as you may have noticed, I have no Brotherhood at present."
Every hair on Scott's body was tingling. But out of anticipation, fear, or revulsion, he couldn't tell. On the one hand, this was Magneto...leader of the Brotherhood, the Acolytes, the Genoshan army, and just about every archvillain team that had ever given the X-Men trouble.But on the other, he'd always found the man, Erik Lehnsherr, powerfully attractive in ways even Jean didn't know about.
Magneto had crossed 'round the entire table, to stand beside Scott on his other side. "So you see, your stay here can be a very pleasant one, if you cooperate. Let me show you just...how pleasant."
A gloved hand reached out, not touching Scott's skin, but he felt the blood rush to his nether regions anyway, pulled by a force stronger even than the magnetism Lehnsherr commanded, a force that made his resolve weaken, his hatred falter. He felt the gag fly off his mouth, looked his captor directly in the eye, and gave the Master of Magnetism his answer.
"All right. Do what you want."
Erik's smile was absolutely predatory, and Scott worried that he might have made a mistake. Then, the Master of Magnetism opened his robe, and all thought vanished from the X-Man's mind as he saw what was concealed beneath it.
The man was fit, superbly toned, and slightly larger than Scott himself, but not on the level of the X-Men powerhouses like Colossus or Bishop. His pale skin gleamed with a sheen of sweat, and his jutting member was as hard as the steel he commanded.
Presented with the amazing rod, which brushed itself across his lips almost tenderly, Scott had no choice but to open his mouth and take it inside. Lehnsherr let out a quiet groan of pleasure as Scott used skills he hadn't needed in years to fellate his archfoe, painfully aware of how the man's magnetic power was making how own rod stiffen and stand up, begging for more.
Above them, the lights went out, replaced by a warmer glow from a set of floor lights that cast the room in an almost firelike glow. Wow, Scott thought to himself. For someone who professes only to use his partners for pleasure, Magneto sure has a romantic side.
His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by an insistent pressure at his entrance. His eyes flicking up towards Erik, he saw the man's fingers pressing against his ass, demanding entry. Scott relaxed, and marvelled at the practiced ease with which Magneto found his prostate, and used it to manipulate his body.
In minutes, he and Erik were 69'ing each other while the older man was pushing his thighs apart to get better access at his most vulnerable of places. Scott cried out, straining at his straps, and when Erik freed him with a SNAP of magnetic energy, the first place his hands went to was the Master of Magnetism's chest, where he kneaded at the muscle and attacked the nipples with desperation while the man's skillful tongue drove him madder with hot need.
Some dim part of his awareness knew he was free, that he could run for it if he wanted. But in the hands of such a masterful lover, escape was the last thing on Cyclops' mind right now. He let Magneto's cock slide out of his mouth as he panted, the words barely coming out as more than a hoarse, husky whisper.
"Yes, Scott?" He still sounds so cool and collected. Bastard!
"Please...I need you..."
A hand stroked Scott's cock lazily as steel-grey eyes watched him. "You need me to what, Scott?"
One long lick up his shaft sent Scott bucking wildly on the table. "You'll have to be a little more clear, my boy."
"Just fuck me already! Please, I can't stand it anymore!"
A chuckle that vibrated through his flesh, and then Magneto pushed his legs into the air...followed by the rest of his body. It took Scott's lust-hazed mind a moment to realize that he was being levitated by a magnetic field.
"All you had to do was ask," the Master of Magnetism said, rising naked to Scott's side like some glorious god of lust. Scott spread his legs as wide as they could go, and Erik positioned himself carefully...he didn't want to hurt the boy, after all.
A cool liquid started spreading itself over Scott's perineum and sphincter, and he looked down in surprise. A second chuckle vibrated through him, and he almost came right then. "Come now, Scott. You didn't think I'd spend all this time seducing you as I have just to impale you like some Neanderthal? I'm not a monster, you know."
Cyclops would have argued the point, but he was having trouble forming sentences. The slow, deliberate preparation just felt too goddamn good.
Magnus was still talking. "No, Scott, I'm not going to fuck you. I'm going to make love to you. This...what we're doing...is more than just the animalistic rutting of primates. We are homo superior, and as such have a standard to live up to in all things...including sex. Trust me, Scott...once you've had sex with a truly superior being, there will be no going back."
Scott's cock was rock hard, but held by Magneto's field as he was, he couldn't do anything about it. All he could do was writhe under the onslaught of the man's fingers and powers, and hope to God it would be over soon, even if part of him...okay, most of me...wanted the wondrous union to go on forever.
Then, Magneto pushed into Scott's lubricated entrance. Scott opened his mouth to scream, expecting the blinding, searing pain that comes with being penetrated...and was astonished when it didn't come. Allthatw as there was the delicious fullness, the amazing pressure against his prostate that made him involuntarily push back against Magneto's hips, which thrust into him in a smooth, unbroken glide.
"You see?" Magneto whispered, his voice finally going husky with arousal. "No pain, no resistance...my powers have taken care of that. There's only the pleasure, the unadulterated joy of being filled by your master. For I am your master now, Scott. You'll be with others, men and women alike, mutant or human. But no matter who else you're with, you will always have dreams, fantasies, of being with your ideal lover, a man who mastered your body so that you cried for him, even though you were enemies."
It was a power-play, and Scott knew it. Or rather, he would have known it if he hadn't been moaning out a litany of praise for the man. The rhythm of the mating skewed his sense of time, sending him into a world where there was nothing but him, and Erik, and fucking.
"Oh, God, oh yeah, yes, hell yes, please, Erik, take me, ah God, ohh fuck, you feel so fucking wonderful in me, FUCK ME! AAAARRRGH!"
With a final thrust, Erik buried himself balls-deep inside Scott, and the X-Man screamed at the top of his lungs as his entire body seemed to explode into orgasm. A tight ring of magnetic force latched itself around the base of his shaft and started to pump out the seed as it flew, milking him for all he was worth. Scott swore his orgasm lasted for minutes, long, agonizing minutes of thrusting, spurting, and coming with explosive force as the surges of pleasure rippled through his body again and again.
Magneto let out a noise that was halfway between a grunt and a shout, and blasted his own load of semen into Scott's twitching, hungry ass, and that in turn forced yet another orgasm out of the X-Man. His eyes flew open, and he watched the Master of Magnetism assert his dominance with a powerful, controlled orgasm, his entire beautiful body trembling in the throes of it.
Finally, Erik collapsed on top of Scott in midair, spent. The two of them descended back to the table, which was still warm even though Scott hadn't been on it for the last hour at least.
Scott struggled to stay awake, to say something, but then Erik got up and waved a hand in his direction, and he blacked out.
The sun shining through his bedroom window made Cyclops blink under his sleeping shades. Hell of a dream, he thought. Freud would have a field day. I'm going to have enough fun explaining it to Jean.
He pushed the covers off himself and rose out of bed...then froze. Two things made themselves abundantly clear.
One: He was naked. And he never, ever slept naked.
Two: He was covered in dried semen. Some of it was his, but there was too much there for one man to produce.
Oh, my God. Scott looked out the window, and for a second, he swore he could see a shape against the sun, flying away with regal power and dignity.
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