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Friday, November 23, 2007


I love Kingdom Hearts. I really do. Imagine a universe where you can visit any world that's ever been created, and actually take part in the stories that shaped them. Only downside is, even though I love Sora and the folks as characters, they do nothing for me sexually. So I worked my way around that by writing slash about the adult characters: Ansem (the villain from the first game), the members of Organization XIII, the stars of the various games and movies, etc. My first attempt at writing was my take on how Sephiroth became a Heartless. Tell me what you think!


Sephiroth woke up bound and naked, his Masamune fastened securely to the ceiling by the same bands that held him to the cold table. The SOLDIER struggled against his bonds, but to no avail. He was supernally skilled, both at swordsmanship and magic, but without a blade to focus his skills, he knew he had no choice but to see how things played out.

Looking from one side to the other, he realized the metal clamps holding him were in fact the limbs of a massive array of armored Heartless, the strongest Ansem could create from what weak hearts were still left hiding in Hollow Bastion like scared, burrowing mice..

“Ansem! What is the meaning of this?!” the SOLDIER shouted. As the onetime general of Ansem the Wise’s armies of light, Sephiroth knew the man who faced him was not the wise and noble King he had adored. But as he had given no other name than “Ansem,” Sephiroth was forced to call him that.

Ansem hovered above him, fully clothed in Heartless regalia, with a notebook in one hand and a stylus in the other. “Fascinating…” the man muttered in his low, smooth voice, and Sephiroth felt himself responding against his will. “Awakened in a position of utter helplessness and vulnerability, the subject still chooses to fight. Almost to the very last breath. His heart is full of light and strength…unusual, for a general and veteran of many bloody battles.”

“No one has ever forced me to submit to them, and you will not be the first!” Sephiroth shouted as he struggled with al his might against the bonds that held him. Ansem laughed a cold, detached laugh.

“Oh, but you are already submissive to me. You see, no heart is exempt from darkness, especially not yours.” He started gliding slowly the table…for the man who called himself Ansem never walked anymore…stopping to brush a stray gloved hand or stylus across the General’s exposed, perfect, battle-hardened flesh. “Tell me, Sephiroth…in all your years of crusading, have you ever lost a battle? Hmm? Ever taken an injury that didn’t heal itself miraculously, no matter how grievous?”

He already knows the answer, damn him. “…No.”

“No. On both counts.” The master of the Heartless’s smile wend absolutely frigid. If Sephiroth had been a different man, his blood would have frozen in his veins. But he was Sephiroth, General of the Armies of Light, and he would not yield, no matter what. Ansem was still speaking. “…You’re really quite a specimen, you know. It’s not every day the King of Hollow Bastion’s scientists and magicians come together to create something as powerful as you.” He leaned over Sephiroth, and breathed deeply, almost as if he were inhaling something. “…Yes. The scent of strength and magic flow around you, just begging to be corrupted.”

“Creation? Corrupted?! NEVER! I’ll die before I let that happen!” Sephiroth thrashed in his bonds all the harder, his platinum hair whipping about him, but the Heartless held firm. If I could only reach my sword…move a hand enough to cast a spell…then these creatures would know true suffering, and their master along with them! “I don’t care if I am a creation…I am alive! I have a heart, and a soul, and I’ll never give you hold over either!”

Ansem had bent over the edge of Sephiroth’s table for an instant. When the General looked up, his face was frozen in horror. Ansem was still wearing his thigh-high boots, but he had removed the trousers beneath them, and his manhood jutted hard and proud before him as he gave the prisoner a predatory smile. “Oh, but you will. You won’t have a choice. And when I am finished…you will die. Not in the way most humans die, no…your body and soul will remain intact. But your heart…that wondrous font of all emotions and nobility…your heart will belong to me, and in its place, naught but darkness will bloom in your perfect breast.”

His still-gloved hand clamped down on Sephiroth’s chest, sinking into the flesh as ribbons of darkness swirled around it. Sephiroth opened his mouth to scream, but Ansem covered it with a harsh, brutal kiss as his knee forced Sephiroth’s thighs open, the Heartless holding his ankles spreading the legs wide to allow their master entry.

Sephiroth felt his emerald-green eyes glazing over as Ansem penetrated him. The pain was there, in all its fiery, strength-sucking glory, but there was also cold. A deep, cold darkness that spread from his chest through his torso, and down his entire body, as he felt his emotions go numb. The last thing he saw was his sword, fastened to the ceiling, ready to answer his call if he could only reach it. Then the vision was blocked by Ansem’s face, grinning lustily as he thrust triumphantly into the General.

Then darkness overtook him. In every sense of the word.


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