Welcome To My Corner!

Welcome to my blog! This is where I store the porn writing I'm proudest of.

I suppose I'd better make a few things clear at the outset. Check my disclaimer for details.

And if you like my work, leave a comment! (Or e-mail me at triplenerdscore70 (at) gmail-dot-com, I love that.)

Thanks for reading!


Sunday, December 2, 2007

Not a fic...

Feel free to skip this if you're only interested in my smut. ^_^

I finally figured out how to use links! Iakka Takka!*

*Dominic Deegan orcish for 'Happy Dance.' ^_^

Now I can link to some of the people whose art has...ahem...'inspired' me most over my time as a writer. Folks like Absinthe Studios, JCEtheridge, Kalvin, and others (who will show up in due course, as I either find their websites or remember to put them in).

I want to take this opportunity to thank everyone who's featured in the links for being so great to me so far. It's because of the work (and in some cases, the encouragement) of folks like them that I can keep doing what I do. ^_^ So thanks, guys, for all your hard work and incredible art!

I'm still deciding which fic to post up here next...I'm open to suggestions.

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