As the illustrious staff puts it:
y!Gallery has been being run for some time now without anyone actually in charge of the maintenance and upkeep of our server. In order to keep the site online and operational, we are in urgent need of at least one qualified system administrator that understands Debian Linux and md softraid and would be willing to monitor the server and address problems as they occur.
The site runs on a stack of lighttpd, PHP, and MySQL, and the chat service runs on jabberd14, but these are mostly stable at this point and do not really need much attention paid to them, so if you do not have much/any experience with these things, it does not really matter.
If we do not find a qualified system administrator capable of ensuring our server stays online and operational, y!Gallery will be forced to end operations and shut down on 14 February. If you are able to fill this role, please contact me privately via PM as soon as possible.
Thanks for your attention.

So there you have it.
In the unlikely event anyone pays attention to my blog and can help the site that's been so supportive to me, please e-mail
Over the next week, I'll be looking through my archives here and on Y!Gal and posting the stories here that I see fit to print. If you have any requests for stories of mine you'd like to see copied over (that have not already been), please don't hesitate to leave a comment. :)
I'm not jumping ship. I want to make that very clear. I love Y!Gallery and am sticking with it to the bitter end. But it would be stupid to blindly wait until February 13, then run around like a headless chicken trying to put together all my assembled works in time for The Big Collapse.
If you can help, you have my sincerest gratitude. Hell, if you cared enough to put up with this non-fic post up to this point, I'm grateful. :)
That's pretty much all. Thanks for your time.