Welcome To My Corner!

Welcome to my blog! This is where I store the porn writing I'm proudest of.

I suppose I'd better make a few things clear at the outset. Check my disclaimer for details.

And if you like my work, leave a comment! (Or e-mail me at triplenerdscore70 (at) gmail-dot-com, I love that.)

Thanks for reading!


Wednesday, February 13, 2008

New...Link. Yay.

I know ti's a bit of a letdown to everyone who was expecting ficcage from me, but...well, it's better than nothing. A damn sight better, actually, considering the link.

The Stag God Chronicles
, by the Oaken Satyr, are some of the best gay erotic stories I've ever read. ^_^ Hot, sexy, dramatic, scary, insightful, and creative, it's much, much more than just porn...but there's still more than enough of that to keep folks interested.

Give it a look, tell him what you think. ^_^